We manufacture residential containers according to the customer's wishes
We offer first-class quality and fast delivery including transport, assembly and service throughout Europe.
- Individual configuration
- On the market since 2006
- Delivered throughout Europe
Selected realizations
Do you have a specific question? Get in touch with us
Premier Containers s.r.o.
Štefánikova 2141, 76001 Zlín
Operating room
Zámoraví 428, 76361 Napajedla
Billing data
IČO: 27676731
DIČ: CZ27676731
OR KS Brno, odd.C, vl.51213
Štefánikova 2141, 76001 Zlín
Operating room
Zámoraví 428, 76361 Napajedla
Billing data
IČO: 27676731
DIČ: CZ27676731
OR KS Brno, odd.C, vl.51213
Gabriela Hájková
trade - EN
Marcela Jurygáčková
trade - CZ, DE
Petr Šimon
company executive
Zdeněk Šimon
material purchase